Monday, January 4, 2010

The power of prayer at work...

Thanks to everyone who continues to pray. In my opinion, yesterday (Sunday) was my dad's best day since surgery. He was in VERY good spirits, looked/felt great, good mood, active in conversation, and starting to heal well. I attribute this to a good rest on Saturday night. He might have been a bit tired from my traditional "after-midnight call" on New Year's Eve to wish him a Happy Birthday (47th fyi). At this point, I think we are starting to scale back on visitors at the house so that the healing process can fully take place and that he receives the proper rest and relaxation needed for that to happen. Needless to say, I feel that your prayers are working and that he's well on the road to full recovery and ready to fight. We have an appointment set for January 18th to meet with the Texas Oncology doctors so dad can start to prepare for chemotherapy.

Updated Prayer List (1/4/10):

Lance Holland & Family (pancreatic fighter)
A.J. Wells & Family (leukemia fighter)
Cissi Scott & Family (survivor!)
Ewing Family in Kansas (leukemia - recent loss)
Ben & Meredith Fox Family (survivor & fighter)
Shirley Dodge & Family (liver fighter)
Wayne Neal Family in Paris, TX (recent loss)
Brenda Stokley Lanclos & Family in League City, TX (fighter)
Tammy Osborn & Family (breast cancer fighter)

Pray. Pray. Pray.

to send a request, e-mail:



  1. Wow! Thanks for adding us to your prayer list!! Know we're praying (we're reminded to everyday as he has the house across the street from us listed, so we see his name daily)! Let us know when we can come by....we don't want to interrupt healing, but we want to bring something that could help healing!!!

  2. What good news! I know that it makes everyone, Lance most of all, feel better to begin to see signs that things are a little more normal. Healing from a surgery that intense would have to knock the wind out of anyone. Keep on getting stronger. We don't have to see you to pray for you, and indeed, we will.
    Love you,
    Bob and Carolyn

  3. I am so glad to read about his good day. I know that if anyone can pull through this that he can. Talked to Terri on Saturday. I love you guys and miss you.
