Wednesday, March 24, 2010


RELAY FOR LIFE is not your typical fundraiser. It is an overnight event signifying the journey of a cancer survivor- it is overnight because cancer never sleeps. Relay starts at dusk and ends at the next day’s morning. The light and darkness of the day and night parallel the physical effects, emotions and mental state of a cancer patient while undergoing treatment.

The RELAY begins in the gentle calm of the afternoon, sometimes with clouds overhead, but nearly always with just a little sun peeking through. A cancer patient hears the words “You have cancer.” The setting of the sun symbolizes the beginning of the diagnosis. Just like friends and family from everywhere come to their loved one once they learn they have cancer, the crowd gathers in support. They collect from every niche and pocket within the university, all standing together, vowing that together they will make it through the journey and together will make a difference. The crowd is determined, committed, and supportive.

The days get darker and this represents the cancer patient’s state of mind as they feel their life may be coming to an end. Candles begin to be lit- showing HOPE for the loved one with cancer- more and more to glow in the night, showing that even in the darkest times, the survivor has HOPE from those who care for them.

As the evening goes on, it gets colder and darker, just as the emotions of the cancer patient. 1:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. represents the time when the cancer patient starts treatment. They become exhausted, some sick, possibly wanting to give up. As a participant in the RELAY, you have been walking and feel much the same way. You cannot stop or give up, just as the cancer patient cannot stop or give up. You keep on moving—walking, running, skipping, talking, laughing, and insisting to continue even though it is rough and you are tired.

4:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. symbolizes the coming of the end of treatment for the cancer patient. Once again they are tired, but they expect to soon see a brightening sky.

The sun rising represents the end of treatment for the cancer patient. They see the light at the end of the tunnel. The morning light brings on a new day, full of life and excitement for new beginnings for the cancer patient. As a participant, you will feel the brightness of the morning and know that the end of the RELAY is close at hand. You have made it though the night- the hardest part, you are still standing, laughing and awake. Those of you in the early morning understand the importance of sticking together- and seeing it though to the very end.

When you leave the RELAY, think of the cancer patient leaving their last treatment. Just as you are exhausted and weak, so is that person after treatment.

Remember: There is no finish line until we find a cure.

1 comment:

  1. Cancer happens when cells that are not normal grow and spread very fast and it is the one of the most dangerous disease in the World. This is good information sharing about cancer. It is also helping the people.

    Lyme disease
